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Most NYC landlord restrict us from listing the asking rental price.
Many landlords are offering significant concessions, construction allowances, and free rent.
Not surprisingly, the growing competition for new patients is increasingly sending medical practitioners to seek out more convenient and accessible locations for their practices. As such, this trend has led to an increased number of all-inclusive, shared medical office spaces. There are many unique nuances that must be considered before agreeing to share medical spaces with other providers. Our esteemed agents can help make the selection process easy and enjoyable. We understand the importance of a beautiful, collaborative, and affordable office space, and we will help you find it. Find out what we can do for you. Call us today.
The following listing is for a 1,200 SF. commercial space which is located in Manhattans Upper Manhattan. This 1st floor medical space is available to sublet on West 97th Street. The property itself was built in 1969.
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Most NYC landlord restrict us from listing the asking rental price.
Many landlords are offering significant concessions, construction allowances, and free rent.
The following listing is for a 150 SF. commercial space which is located in Manhattans Financial District. This 4th floor medical space is available to sublet on Broad Street within a 49 story building. The property itself was built in 1932 and features 436,700 SF. of space serviced by eleven passenger and one freight elevator.
Contact us for current pricing.
Most NYC landlord restrict us from listing the asking rental price.
Many landlords are offering significant concessions, construction allowances, and free rent.
The following listing is for a 1,500 SF. commercial space which is located in Manhattans City Hall. This 16th floor medical space is available to sublet on Broadway within a 44 story building. The property itself was built in 1927 and features 461,730 SF. of space serviced by twelve passenger and two freight elevators.
Contact us for current pricing.
Most NYC landlord restrict us from listing the asking rental price.
Many landlords are offering significant concessions, construction allowances, and free rent.
The following listing is for a 500 SF. commercial space which is located in Manhattans Soho. This 2nd floor medical space is available to sublet on Broadway. The property itself was built in 1901.
Contact us for current pricing.
Most NYC landlord restrict us from listing the asking rental price.
Many landlords are offering significant concessions, construction allowances, and free rent.
The following listing is for a 3,330 SF. commercial space which is located in Manhattans Midtown West. This 24th floor medical space is available to sublet on Broadway within a 34 story building. The property itself was built in 1929 and features 550,000 SF. of space serviced by eight passenger and five freight elevators.
Contact us for current pricing.
Most NYC landlord restrict us from listing the asking rental price.
Many landlords are offering significant concessions, construction allowances, and free rent.
The following listing is for a 1,500 SF. commercial space which is located in Manhattans Upper West Side. This 1st floor medical space is available to sublet on Central Park W. The property itself was built in 1931.
Contact us for current pricing.
Most NYC landlord restrict us from listing the asking rental price.
Many landlords are offering significant concessions, construction allowances, and free rent.
The following newly listed shared medical office is now available for sublease; the primary lessor is offering 1200 SF. of professional ground floor space perfect for any per-existing or newly minted practitioner. Moreover this medical sublet is available for immediate possession with a 5 year lease term. As you step in you’ll be met by an elegant handcrafted custom waiting area compete with receptionist desk and guest flow ...
Contact us for current pricing.
Most NYC landlord restrict us from listing the asking rental price.
Many landlords are offering significant concessions, construction allowances, and free rent.